Monthly Archives: June 2016


Bible Believer's Church

A Missionary friend of mine once said, “There are four or five doctrines I would die for; we can talk about everything else.” He was right, and I agree. There are a few things that are set out so clearly in Scripture that they allow no room for speculation; any deviation from those truths moves us into heresy. Salvation by Grace, through faith in the Son of God, would be one of those doctrines, the Blood of Jesus as the only acceptable sacrifice for sin, would be another.

There are others, which leave a little room for interpretation; tongues, prophecy and the gifts of the Spirit would be one, free will versus predestination would be another.  People are strongly opinionated on these issues but 2,000 years of heated discussion have provided no definitive answers, accepted universally by everyone. You and I may be on different sides of the fence on…

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